If you plan to allow your child to attend without you, please download the waiver, and email to: sap@greatestmas.org.
You also may complete the waiver in-person.
Unaccompanied minors will not be allowed to participate in activities without signed waivers.
Contact us at INFO@GREATESTMAS.ORG if you have other questions.
A matriarch means something different to different people. To us, a matriarch is a woman who leads a family, group, or community, and builds her legacy by her influence.
Greatest MaS prioritizes "meeting you where you are" and some of our people are more comfortable online than IRL ("in real life"). These virtual appointments are for those people. Also, for people who want to skip the wait, in-person.
Membership is not required to participate in Greatest MaS services, activities, and programs, however, depending on how resources are announced and allocated, members may have an advantage over the general public, in accessing services.
Greatest MaS has (3) levels of memberships. Dues are only mandatory for officers and board members. So, depending on the level you choose you may have volunteer hour requirements, but other membership is free.
AMI means Area Median Income, as per HUD. We may ask your AMI, to qualify you for affordable housing or other income-based services. Providing income information is optional, however, we may not be capable of approving you for some programs without your AMI.
Give at your comfort level.
Remember we are a network.
Our PSP is our "Priority Service Population". These are the people we prioritize in reaching and serving.
Many nonprofits have salaries and staff costs pre-built and prioritized within their budgets, Greatest MaS is a volunteer-supported, 501(c)(3) with an alternative leadership model. That means our officers and Board are volunteers, and we do not have employees. So, more of your donation reaches our PSP. Additionally, you may direct us to allocate your donation to direct payments to our PSP (e.g. emergency financial assistance).
Welcome! Become a Greatest Mas member, for members-only access to programs, and services!